Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a free tool. Daily Health Check is included in the Advanced Uninstaller PRO suite as a trial add-on. If you like the new add-on please purchase it.
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Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a free software uninstall tool. Daily Health Check is included in the Advanced Uninstaller PRO suite as a trial add-on.
Advanced Uninstaller Pro is an all-in-one optimization and maintenance tool for Windows PCs. It can boost your computer performance and also protect your privacy by removing duplicate files, deleting browsing history, uninstalling any software without leaving any piece of leftover. It also comes with daily health checks for computers, including virus detection, browser extension monitoring, and startup management.
Advanced Uninstaller Pro Features 1. Maintain the maximum performance of your PC. 2. Privacy protection. 3. Remove stubborn software. 4. Virus detection.
"The software uninstalls function of Advanced Uninstaller PRO is 100% free, and it also has many system maintenance tools, which are very powerful. However, these functions need to be paid, but even if paid, the cost performance is very high to be regarded as an all-in-one computer maintenance tool."
"The free version of the uninstall function is too crude."
I’ve used this software for a few years. It’s really good, can force-uninstall the system programs, and can also uninstall many programs that can not be detected by IObit Uninstaller.